
Hadley {0-3 Months}

This post is simply to document in photos the first 3 months of Hadley's life. She changes every day, & I want to remember every little minute! :)

day 2
day 3
day 4
week 1
week 2 {1st day at church}
week 3 {1st beach trip}
week 4
week 5 {1 month}
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9 {2 months}
week 10 {1st Memphis trip}
week 11
week 12
week 13 {3 months}

This girl has stolen our hearts!!


Mini Mud Room Update

This post is way overdue, but I realized that I never posted about the little mudroom Gentry built out of an old closet in our entry way. He finished it in May and put up the crown molding in June. The original coat closet seemed to only collect junk, & kind of stuck out in the room. This mud room was a big improvement in my book!

Here are a couple of before photos from two years ago of the closet by our front door:

This is what it looks like now:

I love how it turned out!




As some of you know I plan to sell my paintings on Etsy very soon! I just recently sold my first painting to a good friend, which sort of sparked the idea of doing this on the side now that I am home with Hadley. I love being a stay at home mom, & selling a few paintings here & there would definitely be helpful while Gentry is finishing seminary & working.

I have done some paintings for family & for our house, but had not done any for friends or profit before so it is a very new thing for me. The goal is for me to finish 4-6 paintings in the next couple of weeks & launch my Etsy site then. I'll be sure to let everyone know when things are posted!

I enjoy doing floral oil paintings, but plan on posting others subjects as well.

Here are a few photos of some of my paintings:

I'm currently still working on this one